Saturday, May 30, 2020

Read The Tao of Love and Sex Free

Looking for The Tao of Love and Sex ?

Author : Jolan Chang
Publisher : Penguin Compass
Total Pages : 136

The Tao of Love and Sex is a revealing and vivid account of the ancient Chinese sexual teachings and techniques banned by the invading Mongols in the 13th century. The book describes, through text and contemporary illustrations, the ways in which Taoist teachings about sexual love can be used as a means to achieving ecstasy and as a therapeutic and healing force.The modern Western reader can here discover the ancient Eastern methods of ejaculation control, types of thrust, love-making positions, erotic kissing, the conquest of impotence and about sex and longevity.Frank and explicit, yet inseparable from the Taoist spiritual tradition, The Tao of Love and Sex will enrich the variety, subtlety and sheer sexual pleasure of all who read it.

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